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Jenga Holiday

Jenga Holiday

  • Description

    Deck the halls with Holiday Jenga.

    Build your tower with red and green blocks. As the tower builds so does the difficulty. Custom Holiday Jenga rules give the game a ‘tis the season twist! Roll the die to shake a little Holiday fun into the game - Roll a "Tree" and reverse direction of play; roll the "Gift" and remove any piece or roll the "Stocking" and remove only a green block. The last player to remove a block without collapsing the tower wins the game. Game comes complete with 54 Holiday hard wood Jenga blocks, 1 custom Holiday-themed die, custom Holiday rules and a loading tray for assembly.

    It’s Holiday Jenga, for Fa La La La La Lalala Fun!

    (From the publisher.)

  • Details
    BGID: 49380
    Category: Action / Dexterity
    Time: 20 minutes
    Designer: (Uncredited)
    Year: 2007
    Ages: 6 and up
    Publisher: USAopoly