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Galaxy The Dark Ages

Galaxy The Dark Ages

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  • Description

    Galaxy The Dark Ages is a science fiction combat card game for 2-5 players (the more the better). Eight races inhabiting different worlds in the galaxy are engaged in a conflict for supremacy, only 3 can emerge in the end. The conflict lasts for 5 rounds, during each round one of the 8 worlds are eliminated. Your job is to back the surviving worlds and help them to triumph!

    Galaxy is a low complexity game that averages from 45-90 minutes to play. For 2-5 players, 12+. Designed by award winning game designers Reiner Knizia and Don Greenwood. GMT Games, 2000. OOP

  • Details
    Players: 2-5
    Year: 2000
    Product Title: Galaxy The Dark Ages
    Family: Colassus Arena
    Mechanics: Betting / Combat
    Ages: 12+
    Publisher: GMT