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New England

New England

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  • Description
    From Alan R. Moon on The Terminal City Gamers web page:There are three types of land in the game, land for settlements, land for crops, and land for animals. Players each start with some of each land. Each round, players bid (using a new mechanic) to buy more land, to build cities, to plant crops, and to graze herds. There are also ships to buy and Pilgrims to entice to your land. Players always want to both acquire more land and to develop their land, but you can only do a limited number of things each turn, so there are tough choices to be made throughout. You need money for everything of course, and you never have enough!Online Play GameTable Online (real-time) Won Games Magazine Game of the Year award in 2004. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    BGID: 5406
    Category: Territory Building
    Time: 90 minutes
    PrimaryName: New England
    Players: 3 to 4
    Year: 2003
    Product Title: New England
    Ages: 12 and up
    Publisher: Goldsieber, Uberplay