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Da Red Gobbos A-Bomb-Inable Snowman

Da Red Gobbo's A-Bomb-Inable Snowman

Brand New, 2 In stock
  • Description

    The festive season doesn't truly start until everyone’s favourite red suit-wearing renegade shows his face again, and this year he’s brought some mates along to join in the fun!


    Da Red Gobbo is back to spread some Christmas cheer – and pinch some pressies – across the worlds of Warhammer once more, all while showing off his creative side. Just don't mention the ticking… Designed as a miniature diorama, this highly collectable Warhammer Commemorative Series miniature is only available for the 2024 holiday season.


    This multipart plastic kit builds Da Red Gobbo’s A-bomb-inable Snowman, depicting your favourite mischievous grot perched atop a scenic base, ready to start the most epic snowball fight ever. He’s accompanied by his rival-turned-bestie, the Grotmas Git, and an in-no-way explosive snowman…


    Speaking of which, this miniature comes with an added detail hidden beneath the snowman's noggin. You can choose to leave it removable should you wish.